Naturally prevent Urinary Tract Infections and Cystitis

Naturally prevent Urinary Tract Infections and Cystitis

Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder usually caused by an infection it's a common type of urinary tract infection. Cystitis problem not only affects women it affects men as well. Symptoms include pain and burning sensation on passing urine, frequent need to urinate, cloudy or dark urine and lower abdominal pain. Suggestions avoiding and reducing intake of concentrated sugar such as sucrose honey, glucose, caffeine and alcohol.

In men symptoms of cystitis are related to the prostate problem. For the men to help their condition saw palmetto, nettle, on women side herb can help their condition. Probiotic supplements such as vitamin c with bioflavonoids, and cranberry can help with this condition. Although it is commonly thought that raising the acidity of urine will help cystitis (by the level of pathogenic organisms), there is increasing scientific justification for alkalinising the urine instead.

This is especially relevant when symptoms are not associated with pathogenic infection.

Several studies employing mineral citrates to alkalinise the urine showed considerable effectiveness in reducing or relieving the symptom of Cystitis.

The herb is called D-mannose and its derivatives prevent the adherence of harmful bacteria to the walls of the urinary tract. Vitamin c as well as possessing anti-inflammatory effects which may be of additional value in cystitis. Research has found that this herb speeds up the repair of the bladder lining and promotes the healing of urinary tract ulceration. This would be specifically useful in persistent or recurrent cystitis including chronic interstitial cystitis.


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