Under functioning of the liver is not only a cause of the alcohol, but chronic stress is also the cause; creating lots of toxins in the liver that also makes liver stress out not giving the full support to the body.
The liver also has a lot of functions, our body. The liver helps to improve our digestion bile movement filter out all the toxin helps to clean the kidney.
For supporting the liver function properly, the supplements recommended such as milk thistle artichoke L-cystine, antioxidants. There is a particular supplement like alpha-lipid acid that helps the condition of the damaged cells of the liver and condition called cirrhosis. Lipotropic nutrients such as choline, inositol and methionine prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver, thereby enhancing general liver function and improving the efficiency of fat metabolism. Methionine also plays a beneficial role in liver detoxification.
Selenium is the main nutrient in the production of glutathione peroxide an important free-radical fighting enzyme. Liver cirrhosis patients given selenium noticed a significant improvement in liver function.
Dandelion and burdocks these are the two herbs which have long history treating the liver disorder.
Dandelion has historically been used for liver congestion. It has long been known to help improve bile flow and encourage the release of the toxin.
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